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Insurance Blog

What Happens If I Cancel My Life Insurance Early?

A life insurance policy is a wise investment, but also a financial commitment. Most are effective for 30 years or more. For your policy to remain in effect, you must continue paying your premiums, month after month. If the premium payments are putting a strain on your budget, you may be considering the option of canceling early, although people also cancel for other reasons. Our...

Garage Sale Tips: How To Find (And Negotiate) Amazing Deals

For some, the start of warm weather means getting ready for yard work, swimming, and vacations. But for bargain hunters, it’s time to scope out neighborhoods and classified ads for this weekend’s treasure hunt. That’s right – it’s garage sale season. As families clear out their homes in the name of spring cleaning, unwanted items undoubtedly find their way for sale. And if one person’s...

How Universal Design Can Help You ‘Age In Place’

For many Americans, approaching retirement also means getting ready for another major life transition – purchasing a new home. That’s because features like stairs, narrow hallways, and small bathrooms can become difficult to navigate as you age. But what if you could have your “forever” home now? Universal design is a new architectural science that makes this possible. It helps builders create homes that are...

Driving Safely In Inclement Weather

The arrival of spring means a long break from icy, snow-packed roads and winter driving conditions. Although snow and ice may not be a problem during the warmer months, inclement weather can still cause hazardous driving conditions. High winds and heavy rains are common in the spring, and peak tornado season is during the spring and summer. Weather Hazards In The Spring and Summer During...

9 Things To Know If You Have A Backup Generator

Whether it’s a hurricane or a routine power outage, navigating a dark house is never fun. That’s why many people choose to install backup generators in their homes. A backup generator can power your home until regular electricity resumes. While backup generators can come in handy in a pinch, owners should know the right way to install and maintain them. Knowing what to do can help reduce risks...